
EventsEvents Archive
28 February 2014

Tickling Experience

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6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


What is it that seduces us about tickling since we were children? At a first superficial glance, one might say it brings cheerfulness because it causes laughter, but is it really all there is?
How come it always felt more fun to do it to particularly ticklish people and how come the more they beg us to stop the more we feel the sadistic instinct to go on? How come a great deal of couples in the world use it as preparation, during petting, to reach sexual intercourse? Could you be into tickling without realizing it?
The goal of this workshop is to convey the practice of tickling in the erotic, fetish and sadomasochistic environment.
The first part will be mainly theoretical and will concern an explanation which will be entertaining and interactive (the audience will be able to ask questions) giving both useful information and answers to the typical curiosities on the subject.
The second part will be “experiential”: the audience will be guided into an experimentation on touch and tickling, so as to make them feel the exchange of perceptions and emotions that takes place during the physical contact and, specifically, during tickling.

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