Cookies policy

This website uses first-party and third-party cookies to offer you a better service and experience. When you navigate this site or use our services, you accept our use of cookies. Nevertheless, you can change the cookies configuration at any time.
This website uses session as well as persistent cookies. Temporary session cookies are collected during each session, and data is stored only during that session while the user accesses the website; persistent cookies collect data and store it on the terminal to be accessed and used during more than one session.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained via cookies is regarding, the web can use:

Technical cookies
These allow the user to navigate via the website or application and to use the various options or services available in them. For example, controlling data traffic and communication, session identification, access to restricted areas of the website, remembering elements that form part of an order, carrying out the request for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during navigation of the website, and storing contents for the broadcast of video or sound.

Cookies for personalization
These allow the user to access the service of some general predefined characteristics in the terminal or that the user her-/himself defines. For example, language, type of browser used to access the service, design of contents selected, geolocalization of the terminal, and the regional configuration from where the service is accessed.

Statistical analysis cookies
These permit the monitoring and analysis of user behavior on websites. The information gathered through this type of cookie is used in measuring the activity of the websites, applications or platforms and in the profiling of user navigation of said sites, in order to make improvements in the service depending on user usage data.

Third-party cookies
Some web pages allow third parties to install cookies in order to manage and improve the services offered, such as the statistical services of Google Analytics.

The user has the option to allow, block or eliminate cookies that have been installed on their equipment via the configuration of options in the web browser installed on their terminal: