Name: Ricardo
Birthday: 05 May, 1993
Birth place: Majorca, Spain
Height: 185 cm / 6’1”
Weight: 71 kg / 156.5 lbs
Shoe size: 47 EU / 13 US
How ticklish on a scale of 1 to 5: 2 (a little)

Name: Ricardo
Birthday: 05 May, 1993
Birth place: Majorca, Spain
Height: 185 cm / 6’1”
Weight: 71 kg / 156.5 lbs
Shoe size: 47 EU / 13 US
How ticklish on a scale of 1 to 5: 2 (a little)
Hi guys,
it’s Matteo, PSM’s founder.
During the past years, my love for tickling has been made evident by articles, videos, photos, events… But all this time I was talking about an already developed subject.
I realized I’ve never spoken about how it all began for me to be a tickle fetishist.
So of course the question in all of our fans’ minds is the same: how did it go?
We’re obviously referring to our first Spanish event, Night of the tickles. Quite a suggestive name for a crazy party!
You want to know what happened that night? We’ll break it down for you.